Fractured Magic

Screenplay excerpt EXT. FOREST – NIGHT A storm blackens the sky above twisted trees. Shadows press in on a procession of armed FEMALE ELVES. There is no light except the small, glowing, magic orb held in the right hand of AERONA, who is leading the company. LIGHTNING flashes, illuminating the forest and the company. In…

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The Last Automaton of Doctor Jubal Varva

Excerpt Noon came, but no church bells marked the time. Bells never chimed. Doctor Varva was thinking about the bells nonetheless. I could always tell. He never noticed anything when he thought about the bells. The Bombardment rattled spare parts on his desk, a spring falling to the floor from the vibrations. He stared at…

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The Great Astrolabe of Einsem

Excerpt: “What is this?” Eyda asked, flipping through the delicate pages. On them were a series of complex diagrams showing circles of various sizes, labeled with numbers and shapes she did not comprehend. A few pages in, she saw the familiar image of the Astrolabe’s face. It shows how the Astrolabe works. “Where did you…

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